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What is the quality of free internet Internet service Internet Service providers looted our money today billions Innocent seems not unknown in ours. Today I will tell you about a method that will open your eyes. Hacking ! think, but not to use this method, you will have to spend some money. Who were waiting for the duration of free, please refer to the cut. You might not know that the TV signal to convert the signal to a Data Service and the way to use the Internet on TV signal.
What is need to Use this servise :
1. HD DVR (Digital Video Recoder) 
2. EtherNet Converter
3. Cable Modem

Then Start your internet Mission

ethernet 10mbps
Ethernet Coverter
1. We hope to have DVR. I could see his photo,

2. We own photo of Ethernet Converter,

3. Cable Modem to look like the photo of yourself?

If all the above is exactly like Let's Setup.

The roles of each picture can be tuned up, so do not give all the pictures here, I realize the only one diagram. I am the head of the total inventory over there, but I think you've made for the Video Tutorial. Let me think, is just like your DVR, that continues to display images on TV

1. The DVR's RF or IF Out partera applying a Coax Cable and the other end to the Ethernet Converter's enatina enter.

II. DVR's Ethernet Port Ethernet Port and Ethernet Converter's a Cat 6 network cable to the Add.

3. Ethernet Converter Take the TV out Port A and the other end attached to a Coax Cable Cable Modem in the RF / IF IN enter parte.

4. Cable Modem to the Computer's Ethernet Port Ethernet Port and a Cat 6 network cable to the Add.

Finish the job. You are done. Some Cable Modem Install Install otu that some are. According to the Cable Modem at myanula spend install. check my speed

downloading speed Idm
IDM speed

Attention Video Tutorial at the end from the beginning, starting from the use of the Internet means enatina setup is shown on the HD Video. I am Providing This video tutorial by DHL(extraa 50$ fees) or by regular mailing is only for 200$, 
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